Okay, so I know that I do not ~need~ a man to be happy. My happiness does not depend on whether or not I am in a relationship. The fact of being alone again is not the reason I am depressed again. Why is it whenever a girl gets really depressed after a breakup, people automatically assume it means she's co-dependent?
I'm not just depressed because I'm alone (again). Yes, that is a factor - I'd be lying if I said it wasn't. But like I said, I don't NEED a man in my life to be happy. I don't NEED to be in a relationship to feel fulfilled. It's just that I'm so damned lonely. I've had a grand total of two relationships now that had long-term potential and then ended suddenly. That's a grand total of two men - only two - that I have been with who treated me in a way that made me feel like I was worth being with. I've had what feels like more than my fair share of meaningless pseudo-relationships. I'm twenty-six and I just wanted the bullshit to be over. I'm just ready to settle down with someone.